Friday, October 23, 2009

D Day is Coming

The day is coming. It's only 4 days away. Get ready for it. The 27th will change your life. You don't know what I'm talking about? I don't suppose you would. You must be plugged into the messiah, the savior, Kilroy_2.0.

Kilroy_2.0 is here.
Kilroy_2.0 is everywhere.

J.C. Hutchins second novel is being released on October 27th. His first novel, with Jordan Weisman (legendary game innovator), "Personal Effects: Dark Art" is the future of novel and story-telling. It's not just a novel you sit down and read, you interact with the characters, follow the story, call the numbers, and get pulled into the story.

The point you ask, what does this matter to me? I can tell you, J.C. Hutchins will change the way you experience novels. "7th Son: Descent" is the 2nd novel to be publish by the ground-breaking author even though it was the first novel in a trilogy that gained him recognition. You don't have money to spend on a $10 novel? Hey that's cool. Check it out at his Website or BoingBoing because both are running a serialized text version of the novel. Hutch is releasing it as a PDF file to save and check out, and from what I've seen it is the actual novel, artwork or whatever extra is in it, and not just the text files.

If you start reading the text and can't wait for more you can get more background on the characters through the audio stories that have been released as a Prequel Anthology. Oh wait, and if you enjoy the story you can get the original version of "7th Son: Descent" to download as a podcast novel.

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