Friday, October 23, 2009

Crenshaw: Survivor of the Reckoning Day (SoRD)

December 21, 2012. It was the day our world ended. It came in a flash of light. The attacks were without warning. We never knew what hit us. The World Federation, made up of four of the world’s super powers attacked with weaponry only dreamed of in sci-fi stories. America and the British Isles were hit the hardest. Lasers. Fucking lasers from outer space. Satellites, like the “Star Wars” weaponry spoken of in the 80’s, rained fire and death on American cities simultaneously. It was all we could do to survive. D.C., New York, L.A., Denver, Houston, all gone in moments. Other cities destroyed, leaving millions dead in moments. It wasn’t nuclear. Though many of us who survived wish it had been. Then maybe, just maybe, it would’ve taken us with it in the fallout. No, these attacks left death and destruction in their wake, but none of the aftereffects of attacks we had been brought to believe would come.
Now we fight amongst ourselves in the cities. Warring tribes, struggling to survive each day. No one thinking of the future. We’re all just trying to get by just one more day. Waiting for a leader to rise. Someone to unite us. To bring us under one banner so we can rise above the chaos, the anarchy. But the leaders, they’re all dead. The Reckoning Day attacks saw to that. There’s only us left. The so-called free nations. The common citizens fighting to survive. Left to our own destruction by the World Federation. I would like to say that I am different. That I will bring the tribes, the gangs, the chaos to order, but I am no different. I am no leader. I am a survivor. I will kill my own mother, my own father, my brothers and sisters, if they look at me with malice in their eye, and think nothing of it.
I am Donovan Crenshaw. And I am a Survivor of the Reckoning Day.

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