Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am Petty

Today I have all my petty thoughts and complaints put in their rightful place. I must admit, I do enjoy complaining on a certain level. It brings a bit of satisfaction when I can properly sum my frustrations and annoyances with an intelligent, and sometimes clever, use of words. But today those thoughts got destroyed and put in their rightful place.

I have been left near utterly speechless with the crisis facing a dear a friend. A friend, one of the very few to be true, who I consider a brother. At this time all I can do is try to think of anything I can do to help, but I know all I can do is show my support and offer what little help I am capable of providing. And that help is very little indeed.

The thing I do know is that somehow this will be survived. My friend, he's rather stubborn. Somehow through all the troubles he's faced in his life, troubles most of us would have difficulty imagining much less relating to, has developed a stubborn will to find a way. So now in what seems to be the darkest hour, another addition onto many such times, I will have the privilege (and the pain) of watching someone I've called "brother" persevere through another tribulation in which I feel helpless. My repeated statements of I'm here if you need me will undoubtedly fall well short of what is truly needed. But I've still got two rather sturdy shoulders to lean on and at times a brilliant use of words that rarely exceeds 140 characters.

This shall pass. The dust shall settle. And in the aftermath of this time of reckoning there will be one left standing. There will be no rise from ashes. In order to rise from the ashes one must be defeated. This friend does not lie down, does not surrender, and most certainly will not be defeated.

The BSC will endure.

The BSC will rise above it.


  1. I am making assumptions here, but I am guessing that the man you call brother is one I consider, if not a full-on mentor, then at least a great inspiration. His message this morning absolutely floored me, and I wish that there was something I could do, but I am just words on a screen; one fan among many. and one that came to the party far later than most.

    All I feel I can do is what I did; say my piece, and not let what I have learned from him be in vain. I will persevere in my own work, and not forget him. I know he will overcome this, and will achieve the recognition he deserves. I will wait, and I will not turn my back on him, and when he seeks support again, I will comply.

    Of course if we really are talking about two different people then just forget I opened my fool mouth.

  2. I didn't think about it applying Mr. Hey Everybody. Though looking at it now I can see it working just as well. I was actually speaking of a very close personal friend, but I was staying away from the details because of the very personal nature of it. It was just a wake up call that what I think of as being a problem at times is nothing more than an inconvenience.

    I think outside of the last 2 lines it can apply easily to Hutch though. (And the brother part too since he hasn't yet had the misfortune of meeting me in person. That's something I plan to remedy sometime within the next year). Unless he's started going by the title Bukkake Supreme Commander (BSC) recently.

  3. As far as I know, he hasn't, so as I said, forget I opened my fool mouth.
