Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Verdict Is In

It's been hectic these last few weeks. Turns out I am lucky enough to have Severe Ulcerated Colitis, which is what I was afraid of. So now comes the time of truth. I can continue with the current habits and such, not change much of anything, and take ridiculously over-priced medication to keep things in check. Or there is the alternative of making a lifestyle change and hope that it is enough to beat things into submission and not have to worry so much about it.

Not that it's a huge change, I've just gotten complacent and lazy. The most difficult part, I believe, would be give up my tasty sodas. I have noticed than when I don't drink a lot of soda things go better, and then there's exercise, my old painful friend. Assuming I can manage to take care of those two things it should start going smoother.

The problem is that I have gotten comfortable in my pathetic routine. So it would seem it is time to make the decision and stop dragging my feet. The obvious decision is make the necessary changes, but lazy habits die hard I suppose.

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